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Etablert/født: 2017

«Magazine» er første singel og åpningssporet fra stavangerbandet Sløtface sitt debutalbum «Try Not To Freak Out» fra 2017. Låten handler om brudd, ikke fra et kjærlighetsforhold, men heller medienes kroppspress.

Vokalist Haley Shea uttalte om «Magazine»:
«I really wanted to write a killer breakup song, but I’ve never really had any experience with heartbreaking, devastating, aggressive breakups, so I thought I would write a breakup song about breaking up with bad body image and unrealistic representations of human bodies in media. It’s fueled by the back and forth of knowing that society creates unrealistic expectations regarding what people ‘should’ look like, and still feeling uncomfortable in your own skin because you don’t live up to those images.»

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