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Great sounds for great films

Type: CD
Utgitt: 2008
Utgiver: Great Moments


  1. Fuck art
  2. let's kill / The Shock
  3. Snuffman / Morten Abel
  4. Cuddle / HOH
  5. Still my body aches / Thomas Dybdahl
  6. Sleepy meadows of Buxton / Fenomenon
  7. Devil's victory / Hovering Orville
  8. Hello intuition / Third Avenue
  9. Transatlantik / Vaiping
  10. The chickens are not what they seem / Egg3
  11. Studio slingshot sampler / Studio Slingshot
  12. Graceful / The List
  13. Gates at Gehenna / Purified in Blood
  14. Heading for nowhere / Chzechoslovakia
  15. Luka / Sebastian Waldejer
  16. Empty metaphors / Rosa Parks
  17. Sex / Afeeliated
  18. Winter guest / Line
  19. Sorti / Kaizers Orchestra
